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Backed by 300 million years

of R&D

Spinning like spiders

Silk Reimagined


Spintex artificially spins the highest performance silk fibres available, through a spider inspired process. 1000x more energy efficient than synthetic plastic fibres, we use no hazardous chemicals with water our only by-product.


These fibres are finding use in sustainable fashion textiles, but due to their high-performance will also address issues in other markets for advanced technical textiles, including lightweight composites for aerospace and automotive industries, and biocompatible medical textiles.


Watch the video to learn more about Spintex's unique spider inspired spinning approach for producing the next generation of sustainable fibres for fashion & beyond!


Sustainable Textiles

With massively reduced energy costs, green chemistry and no harmful by-products, Spintex is the only supplier of premium-quality and sustainable silk fibres.

Textile Industry

Technical Textiles

Our high-performance, lightweight strong and tough fibres are ready for the next generation of advanced materials.

Image by Jon Moore

Supported By

The European


Awardee of a 
H2020 FET Grant

Winners of the

2019 Develop Programme


Batch 6
Cohort 2019 Graduates


Seed Investment Fund


San Francisco
Cohort 10 - 2020

The European


Awardee of a
H2020 ITN Grant

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